Level Placements
Each class offering will provide a recommended level for participation and maximizing student outcomes.
Each student is encouraged to carefully consider where they fit best as to what is being offered.
Should you wish for the Alamo Stomp level placement team to assist you in a level assessment,
please attend our Individualized Level Placement on Saturday morning before the start of classes.
We will help you hone in to achieve your best experience for the weekend with feedback and recommendations.
As the student, you are then free to create your own optimized schedule!
This is an optional but beneficial tool that we hope will support your enjoyment of the weekend.
Each student is encouraged to carefully consider where they fit best as to what is being offered.
Should you wish for the Alamo Stomp level placement team to assist you in a level assessment,
please attend our Individualized Level Placement on Saturday morning before the start of classes.
We will help you hone in to achieve your best experience for the weekend with feedback and recommendations.
As the student, you are then free to create your own optimized schedule!
This is an optional but beneficial tool that we hope will support your enjoyment of the weekend.
Class schedule
- 11:30 - 12:00: OPTIONAL Level Placement Assessment
- 12:05 - 1:35: CLASS
- Irina and Anthony
- No Substitute for Sugar (pushes) (Int/Adv): Have all the fun without the calories! Join us for a deep dive into sugar pushes and related movements.
- Dee and Matt
- Rhythm is the Name! (Int): Explore how rhythms big and small can bring texture to your dancing.
- Irina and Anthony
- 1:50 - 2:50: CLASS
- Dee and Matt
- Flowing Charleston (Int): How do we move in and out of different early jazz steps? Let's make the flow between these early jazz dances more dancey and less stressy!
- Rob and Diane
- Frankie's Favorites (Int/Adv): Come explore some of swing legend, Frankie Manning, favorite Lindy Hop moves!
- Rita
- Putting Tap Rhythms into your Dance (All Level): No tap shoes needed, regular swing dance shoes only (for your safety). No knowledge of tap is needed. Think about using your feet as instruments to accentuate the music and elevate your dancing experience. Add more joy/surprises with extra texture to your moves.
- Dee and Matt
- 3:05 - 4:05: CLASS
- Irina and Anthony
- Tucking and Turning (Int/Adv) : Let’s explore some of our favorite variations of this foundational move!
- Dee and Matt
- Exploring Dee and Matt’s Favorites (Int): A workshop based class looking at two of our favorite moves to explore leading and following allowing us to modify and change different moments within those figures; facilitating an understanding of momentum, initiating, and responding.
- Rob and Diane
- Momentus (Adv): How to use your partner's momentum in your dance.
- Irina and Anthony
- 12:45 - 2:15: CLASS
- Irina and Anthony
- The Weighting Game (All Level): We’ll start with deconstructing weight changes and then build magical moments with your partner.
- Dee and Matt
- Conversations (Int): If we truly want to make space for leaders and followers voice both, how do we open the dance up so we can have a conversation? We'll look at ways to leave space for your partner as leaders and followers.
- Irina and Anthony
- 2:30 - 3:30 CLASS
- Irina and Anthony
- Tandem Charleston (Adv) - Challenge yourself with some tricky Charleston. Prerequisite: Be comfortable with the tandem Charleston basic at faster tempos.
- Dee and Matt
- Accenting (Int/Adv): We'll explore ways to examine, think about, and engage in accenting music through your body and through rhythms.
- Rita
- How to incorporate Solo Jazz Steps into Partner Dance (All Level) Explore alternative ways to enhance traditional moves and shapes, with options for adding in solo jazz moves into 6 count and lindy hop. Give that element of surprise while continuing the flow with your partner. Play, have fun and experiment.
- Irina and Anthony
- 3:45 - 4:45: CLASS
- Irina and Anthony
- Slow Lindy (Int) - Don’t be a drag, learn some drags! We’ll get you hyped up on slowing things down.
- Rob and Diane
- Put it in Your Pocket (All Level) - Learn spins and slides for both leads and follows in this dynamic class.
- Irina and Anthony
Private Lessons
The instructors at Alamo Stomp offer private lessons during and outside the regular schedule of classes.
If you would like to book a lesson, please email [email protected].
Please do not directly approach an instructor as all scheduling will be done via email as noted above, thank you!
If you would like to book a lesson, please email [email protected].
Please do not directly approach an instructor as all scheduling will be done via email as noted above, thank you!